Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tired....oh so tired

For a very brief time the other day I felt very Up. Now I feel a bit Down, but possibly from lack of sleep again. It's so hard to find the right balance of sleep and awake without caffiene. At the moment I feel completely drained and would like the world to go away while I reset myself.

I saw my sister today. She lives in a different province and is visiting for a week. She has breast cancer that has moved into her bones but she is doing ok for the time being. That might be why I'm so drained - seeing her and staying positive. Also keeping the conversation focussed on her, which she prefers, and doing things she likes to do.

My younger son is becoming quite the delinquent. He's only 10 but seems to be going through adolesence already. His attitude sucks and he's doing very poorly in school. He's started calling girls slut, bitch, cunt and fat. His teacher thinks this is all my son, but I know these girls, they instigate a lot of arguements and name calling. Having said that, I know my son is not innocent in all of this. One of the biggest problems is his teacher. She seems to think he's a horse that needs breaking. Well, J doesn't stand for that kind of thing. He butts heads with her instead and challenges every rule she makes. Any rule that's arbitrary is argued with vehemence by J. I see that the teacher is not going to change her ways and J is not going to change his ways, so I'm considering a different school for J next year. He'd have the same teacher otherwise.

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