Saturday, June 16, 2007

Downish and achy

I feel ok today, maybe a touch on the Down side, but not bad at all.

My son's bike was stolen right out of our yard. This really sucks for him as it's the first major purchase he's ever made and he's owned it less than a month. My car was also broken into recently, I wonder if there is a rise in vandalism in our area or this is all just a fluke. I ended up buying him a new bike, slightly less expensive than the one he bought, but otherwise the same brand and size and most of the same features. He won't see it until tomorrow when he's back from his dad's.

My bowels have been giving me trouble lately. I don't know if it's some kind of intestinal virus or the lithium. I had some caffeine recently and have not been drinking enough water. Maybe a combination of both?

My sister is visiting from another province. I saw her twice this visit. She won't be up again until Christmas. Maybe. She has breast cancer that's moved to her bones, so visiting depends on how well she's feeling and all that. The bowel issue of mine might have been stress as well, it's hard to see someone you love and know that person won't be here in ten years, maybe not even five years.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry about your sister, and can't even imagine how stressful that is. I have bowel problems when I'm stressed, too.

Hope you start feeling better, mentally and physically...

gen said...

when i was first put on depakote, i had major stomach problems. it seemed like everything went straight through me. i ended up talking to my pdoc about it and he informed me that it's typical of the two major mood stabilizers out there - depakote and lithium. and i don't doubt that your stress level has an effect on it too. when i'm stressed, the bathroom is my sanctuary. *smile*

Me said...

LOL - ok, bathroom as sanctuary? Never thought of that, but will now :) I used to have bowel problems with stress, but that went away after my gall bladder was taken out. How nice of lithium to return that issue.....