Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We bought a new video game for the Xbox. I thought I'd hate it and that only the three men in my house would play but I love it! It's Rock Band and I'm the drummer :) Something about it I really enjoy.

I want to paint with watercolors again but I'm so tired all the time. I need to just sit down and try it, preferably when I'm alone in the house. I hate trying something new or a new technique and have other people watch and comment. I know there's nothing negative that would be said, but it's just the way I am.

The other thing I want to do is cross stitch on the diagonal. My dad did a picture of a siamese cat on the diagonal years and years ago. Of course my mom doesn't have it anymore or the pattern, so I'm going to have to figure it out from scratch. Hopefully my boyfriend will be immersed in his hobbies so I can find more time for mine. He expects me to sit and talk when he's home. Ok, it's the routine we've both developed but sometimes it drives me nuts. Sometimes I just want to read, and I tell him that and try to read. But then he just keeps talking to me anyway. I end up putting the book down.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

21 December 2012

Is the world going to end in 2012? Someone at work was talking about seeing the Mayan calendar in person only to discover the last date on it was 21Dec2012. Why would the calendar end?

One theory is that the world will be in alignment with the sun, along with Saturn and Jupiter. When the sun goes through it's magnetic pole change (every eleven years, aparently) the gravitational pull will cause Earth to suffer. Such changes can already be seen in more frequent natural disasters. It's even possible that the Earth will change poles so that the North Pole will be the equater and vice versa. That would be odd. I have no idea if any of this is true, but it's interesting to think about.


I'm reading a book right now - In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan - and it may explain why I'm chubby. It focuses on the idea that actual food is good for you and food product is not. Real food includes red meat, vegetables, butter, fruit, any other meat and liquid oil. Food product would be things that are made by manufacturers to resemble something you could eat, like Cheez Whiz, low-fat anything, low-carb anything and cereals. In order to make the food low-something they need to take away the 'bad' and replace it with chemical stuff. It is actually better for you to eat real stuff in moderate quantities than man-made stuff in tiny quantities. It involves actually preparing every single thing I eat.

The other issue the book discusses is nutrients. We need them, but we need them in the food they come in, not singled out and added to stuff. It's been proven over the last thirty years that we get fatter when we single out the nutrients and skip the whole food. Something to think about, anyway.