Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm reading a book right now - In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan - and it may explain why I'm chubby. It focuses on the idea that actual food is good for you and food product is not. Real food includes red meat, vegetables, butter, fruit, any other meat and liquid oil. Food product would be things that are made by manufacturers to resemble something you could eat, like Cheez Whiz, low-fat anything, low-carb anything and cereals. In order to make the food low-something they need to take away the 'bad' and replace it with chemical stuff. It is actually better for you to eat real stuff in moderate quantities than man-made stuff in tiny quantities. It involves actually preparing every single thing I eat.

The other issue the book discusses is nutrients. We need them, but we need them in the food they come in, not singled out and added to stuff. It's been proven over the last thirty years that we get fatter when we single out the nutrients and skip the whole food. Something to think about, anyway.

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