Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dose seems to be working

So, I'm on a new dose of lithium that seems to be working well. One woman I work with told me I'm so calm and I don't get frustrated at all. I started to disagree with her, then realized that I really am not prone to frustration or anything. It sucks when I'm pulled away from my work to do something else and I do fret about it, but then I just assume I'll get my work done anyway. Where I would normally get all riled up I now just go about my work.

I think my brain was trying to have an Up this week. I went to work just soaring and ready for anything. I knew right away it was an Up and was quite pleased about it. Then I had one negative thought and the Up was gone, like a door slammed on it. Then I was just Neutral and have been since then. I like Ups and miss them.

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