Sunday, August 5, 2007


Ok, so, the change in my medication seems to have made a good difference. My moods are better and a bit more manageable. But. Oh yes, But. I barely slept at all this week. Maybe two hours each night with a nap of about two hours in the afternoon. On an Up I know I need less sleep, but I also feel well-rested on less sleep. I was so tired at work I was seeing things out of the corner of my eye and hearing music playing when there was none. I felt super drugged all the time. I would try to sleep but no matter how tired I was I would just lay awake and listen to the outside world get more and more quiet.

This weekend I have three days off work. On Friday I took a three hour nap and then slept for 11 hours at night. I also had a good nine hour sleep last night. So what's going on? Am I stressing about something? Is it work? Personal life? My boys? Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon. I like a good night's sleep.

On another note, I bought all the school supplies for my boys. It came to over $300!! Holy Mother Of Pearl that's expensive!! I also noticed they have refill paper with colored edges and pictures on them. Kind of a ridiculous expense, I think.

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