Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh yeah - I'm Up

I'm definately on an Up. I can't avoid saying that any more. I haven't needed nearly as much sleep as usual and I haven't napped yet today. Instead I went shopping for even more lingerie because, really, I need more bras. A drawerful just isn't enough.

I also 'scooped' my son's room. He's twelve and a packrat. Every once in a while I go into his room with him and we scoop. This is where we (mostly I) quickly go through everything. All the garbage gets thrown out (several large bags' worth - in a small room!), clothes get picked up and bedding tossed back on the bed. Then...oooo this is important....I put all the toys in bins except the toys I know are special to him. Next, I take the bins and hide them when he's not looking. Then, if he wants a toy from the bin he has to ask for it by name and I have 24 hours to produce it for him. After six months the remaining toys get taken to Goodwill. I'm pretty sure his room just reproduces junk with mates with itself and creates more junk. Man o man it gets out of control.

Also, at work I've been especially chipper and efficient. It's like I have renewed energy from somewhere.

This is probably not a good thing. I don't think I should be able to feel so Up. I should feel more even. I need to talk to my doctor about the lithium dosage I think. And about acne medicine. I am tired of looking like a teenager with bad skin.

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