Friday, September 7, 2007

Feeling good

I have been feeling mostly good lately. One thing I've noticed is it's more difficult to get me riled up. I just accept things the way they are and stop being so fussy about changing it to suit me. Except traffic. Oh man do I hate traffic. My job allows me to travel quickly with only a few cars, but driving around in heavy rush hour traffic just gets my blood boiling.

I hope I've finally managed to figure out a correct dosage of lithium. I like being even-tempered and a bit more stable.

I don't know how much of this is bipolar and how much is being raised by a mom with Borderline Personality Disorder, but I feel like I'm nothing. I have few hobbies (just tv and movies right now) and very few friends. I go to work, come home and be a mom, be a girlfriend, go to bed and start over. When I try to come up with ideas for hobbies or interests, I get nothing. No sparks at all. I find this odd compared to the number of people that find things they like to do and try them or get busy doing them.

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