Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A bit Down

Feeling a little sad today. Mostly because it's my birthday and I'm trying very hard not to get my hopes up that S will remember without me prompting him. Both my boys forgot and didn't go with S to get me a gift. Although, really, I expect kids to forget without reminders because their world seldom extends past themselves. It is the hope that they outgrow this and become more cognizant of the world. Anyway, I told S how important it was for him to remember my birthday, and how much I'd like it if he involved the boys in gift-buying so they can learn to think of another person. I've been reminding him off and on since October right up until yesterday. I know he's one of those people that doesn't put any importance on birthdays, but I would like the people I care about to show they are happy I was born. This is like living with my ex all over again. S will be home in about two hours, let's hope he remembers.

So I guess I'm a bit Down today. I don't know if it's because I'm tired or just locked into thinking S won't wish me a happy birthday.

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